Why I'm Giving An Art Career and Social Entrepreneurship a Shot at 36

"And suddenly you know...
It's time to start something new
and trust the magic of beginnings." 

I know that I am no different than many women that have decided to stop playing small and to start living big (dreams). There are thousands and thousands of us. I am just joining the party. That's all.

In saying that, I will say this:
I am launching authentically for the first time in my life. 
Spring boarding into orbit as a creative professional (illustrator + painter + storyteller). 
I am ready. 

I will turn 37 in December. But I feel like a little girl that has been patiently waiting to give herself permission to accept an invitation to a slumber party. Because that's where all the action is going to be.

I am officially entering (and staying) into a new career during this next chapter of my life.

Want to know why so?

Simply, because its my time. I've allowed myself to follow the expectations that others have put on me (parents, exes, society) while suppressing my real true big girl dreams and goals.

But to really give my explanation some meat and juicy clarity on why I am ready to jump head first into a creative career as an artist and hopefully game changing one as a social entrepreneur, here goes:

1. Being an artist and change agent is a childhood dream of mine
Many, many, many psychologists are on record saying that our child self is who we really are deep down. When we are kiddos, we were painlessly honest with our selves and our world.
We said, "I want to become an astronaut or actress when I grow up."
Some of us did pursue those 2nd grade ambitions, but far too many of us didn't.

I used to illustrate evening wear like crazy when I was a kid (even up until high school, where I designed and made my own prom dress: geesh I wish Instagram was around back in the 90's, maybe I would have had the nerve to take my fashion design passion to the next level like THIS young woman has). Second to that was designing floor plans because I always wanted to rearrange the furniture in our house and interior decorating fascinated me. Third, I would always want to help out with local can food drives or give my money to the homeless.

Those little actions in my youth are significant. They are symbolic. They represent my truth.

2. Life is short 
Plain and simple. I have no Mom anymore and do not have any kids. I have nothing to hold me back.

You can look up and your life is over. I don't want to have regrets. I am a wild child Sagittarius.
We love magic, new experiences, and no routines. I've lived my life up until this point running away from that. It's gotten too tiring. SMH.

Like many, last year I started my year off by making resolutions. I bought and devoured, The Desire Map, by Danielle Laporte. It. Changed. My. Life.

While I've been slow to come clean and embody my core true desires, that book planted the seed.

I've also followed the careers of two creative professional women that didn't really start making art and films until they were 37. Artist, Lisa Congdon and Filmmaker, Ava Duvernay. 

Fast forward half a dozen or so years later and these women are on the forefront and pulse of their respective fields. They are wildly successful and I can tell that they are just warming up. We aint' seen nothing yet.

Because of them, I know that I can do this too. That I can start anew and come out just fine.

As Lisa Congdon says, "fortune favors the brave." 

3. Supportive partner + little sister + friends 
I am not married but I have been before and I've also dated/been in relationships with a few other people and I can safely say that none of them have ever been very supportive of my interests.

Every time I would even remotely mention wanting to seek more creative endeavors, I was met with a million and 23 questions followed by incredulous stares.

Therefore, I learned to keep mum and unfortunately, I never really pursued art to the level that I desired partly due to that.

However, now I have a wonderful partner. We're taking things day by day, but I can say that I have her undeniable support to do whatever my heart desires.

I was scared to share my visions (for obvious reasons) with her initially but slowly I've started opening up. I am so thankful for that. She simply said, "how can I help you achieve what you desire?"

I have literally never ever ever ever had a significant other ask me that. Which is almost a statement to me. A profound one. I am over the moon that this person sees something in me that I see in myself and not only sees it but also is prepared to help me take new leaps.

That's what support looks like. And artists, we need it. Probably the most.

My little sister and friends support are a given. I will rely on them from time to time for pep talks to get me through each stage of this creative career.

I feel that all of those points sum up enough reasons for me to take the plunge as an artist and social entrepreneur.

Which leads me to the social entrepreneur 
part of the career equation

In 2009 I started a small but mighty non-profit organization called, Fashion Benefiting Youth Artists.

Its mission was to provide scholarships to inner-city and low-income high school students that desired to major in an artistic field in college.

We produced fashion shows and art auctions that were completely for students by students.

It was their talent that powered the organization. I was just the co-pilot.

I launched FBYA because I was a former high school teacher who taught at the toughest and roughest high school in Dallas but some of my students were damn gifted as artists, yet they had a hard time envisioning how to pursue art as a field of study less alone as a professional endeavor.

When the district enacted a wide-spread lay-off I took it upon myself to try and do something about changing the status quo.

The organization lasted roughly a year and thousands of bucks where raised. But I needed an income and couldn't operate the organization at the level it deserved while trying to work full-time, so I closed shop.

Fast forward to NOW. I am still drawn to philanthropy. I have a strong track record as a giver backer, consistently donating to causes such as; global literacy, the arts, heart disease, breast cancer, and more than anything, childhood hunger.

I have been trying to get a job at a non-profit for years to no avail (I guess I don't have enough experience in the public sector). So instead of crying about that fact, I am just going to create an opportunity for myself.

Feeding America will receive 5% of everything that I sell this summer.

This way, I will be able to make an impact in my own special mighty little way.

I want to keep going deeper with this social venture idea too. In time, I'd like to pursue the one for one model like TOM'S SHOES and Warby Parker does so flawlessly.

I've always been drawn to being of service and bringing attention to issues that plague our community, our country, and our world as a whole. I am tired of not doing enough...

Hmmmm, now a brief break down of 
with where I am going as an artist 

My art will appeal to fun-loving individuals that have an appreciation for off-beat art.

I mostly enjoy illustrating and painting; food, furniture, fashionistas, and visions of fun.

Est. Summer 2016

My own website is where originals will be available for purchase. Society 6 for prints and swag.

Because its my time :-)

I will be networking/engaging like a mutha' f*** and working my ass off.

This is my debut. I have a long way to go. I only know one fine artist in real life, my friend Natalia Jones. But this is a risk worth taking for me. It feels like the most honest thing I could ever do.

I hope and pray that I will land on the top. I will definitely have NO regrets.

I'd love for you to keep checking in (I will totally do the same for you) to see how the
journey is going.

P.S. Follow me on: Instagram.Com/IamCJChildress

"Go In The Direction Of Your Dreams." 


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